Opening: Sunday, October 2, 2016, 7 p.m. Venue: uqbar, Schwedenstr. 16 | D -13357 Berlin, Germany Duration: October 3 – 29, 2016 Opening hours: Thursday – Saturday, 2.30 – 6.30 p.m., and by appointment FB Event Page As part of the series deepspace eins sechs, a cooperation of the neighbouring project spaces in Swedenstrasse 16 for the 7th European Month of Photography Berlin, u […]
The Multiple Choices book is launching along with a selection of works by Ane Hjort Guttu, Katya Sander, , Ricardo Basbaum, Miho Shimizu & Øyvind Renberg, Alex Villar. Friday 21/09 19:00 @ Torpedo Bookshop Multiple Choices is edited by Judith Schwarzbart. Contributions by Glória Ferreira, Eva Díaz, Simon Sheikh, R […]
NET TAM Relay Column 90th (JUNE / 2012) “Story of story” Miho Shimizu / Danger Museum Written in Japanese about early activities up till now.
Editor: Nina Möntmann Paperback: 191 pages Publisher: Black Dog Publishing (June 1, 2006) Language: English ISBN-10: 1904772501 ISBN-13: 978-1904772507 Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6.4 x 0.7 inches Can be purchased at Publication Date: June 1, 2006 Art and its Institutions is a comprehensive reader on current institutional conditions and the role of institutions within […]
Opening: May 7, 2016, 14:00- Venue: Damsgård, Alléen 29 | Laksevaag, Bergen 5160, Norway Duration: May 8, 2016 – June 5, 2016 Opening hours: Daily 12:00 – 15:00, except Thursday 15:00 – 19:00 From a dried-out seabed littered with skeletal remains, a medieval shepherd leads a flock of sheep, a gang of banana juggling sailors and a party of rococo styled hedonis […]
Edited by Judith Schwarzbart. Contributions by Glória Ferreira, Eva Díaz, Simon Sheikh, Ricardo Basbaum, Ane Hjort Guttu, Katya Sander, Ana Linnemann, Miho Shimizu & Øyvind Renberg, Alex Villar. This book is an artist initiative. It grew out of a concrete situation, i.e. the exhibition Multiple Choices – all of the above (Oslo Kunstforening, 2008), and reflects a wish […]
måg issue 8 features Danger Museum måg is a quarterly art magazine. contributors are international artists and writers. måg provides a platform for projects related to contemporary visual arts. published by NABROAD
VOID Chicken Nugget 「縁」 Miho Shimizu Contributed a text for a Japanese mail magazine VOID Chicken Nugget , talking about my activities so far and the latest piece produced for Davis Museum, “Tomorrow & Yesterday”. I first met the editors of VOID Chicken, Hibiki Tsuge and Chiaki Sakaguchi, in the late 90’s when I was about to move to London. There was a time when Danger Mus […]
MULTIPLE CHOICES Karst Projects Aug 23 – Sept 23, 2012 ARTISTS Ricardo Basbaum, Ane Hjort Guttu, Katya Sander, Miho Shimizu, Øyvind Renberg, Alex Villar ABOUT THE EXHIBITION Multiple Choices is a collective initiative started by three artists who live in different places from one another. Each of the members is also based away from their place of origin: Oyvind Renberg, born in […]
特集:経験と芸術生産 価格:500円(税込) 発行日:2012年5月7日 戦争経験と忘却をテーマにした映画作品 《ヒロシマ・モナムール》(Hirosima monamour, 1959)の冒頭で、 映画撮影のためにヒロシマに滞在するフランス人女性が 「私はヒロシマを見たわ」と語るのに対して、 ヒロシマ在住の日本人男性は「きみはヒロシマを見ていない」と幾度も繰り返します。 物語の後半では、女性が戦争によって恋人を亡くした過去を語り、 女性も男性と同様に否定的な態度を取ります。 経験するとはどういうことなのか? 経験していないことについて語ることはできるのか? 沈黙するべきなのか? 経験を語ることにどのような意味があるのか? 経験していないことを知ることはできるのか? 経験を語ることができない人はいないのか? 他者は理解できるのか? 理解できないとしても […]