Untitled (Her Posters Ⅱ #566, 2019 ©︎ Gottingham Image courtesy of Miho Shimizu and Studio Xxingham 清水徳子の作品集『Tokuko Shimizu: TEXTILE POSTERS』の出版を記念して、「TEXTILE POSTERS」展を開催します。 主婦であり、母であり、美術愛好家である清水徳子は、これまで色鮮やかで想像力豊かなテキスタイルポスターを作ってきました。これらの作品は、アーティストであり、娘である清水美帆から依頼を受けて、彼女が海外を拠点に活動していたDanger Museumの宣伝のために作られたものでした。一度限りと思っていた制作は、約10年にわたる娘とのコラボレーションに発展し、清水徳子の作品は東京にある家の外へと飛び出し、現代アー […]
Seeing Double from Oyvind Renberg on Vimeo. On the 25. of June Øyvind opens his residency exhibition at Art Center Ongoing in Kichijoji, Tokyo. The exhibition coincides with the shooting of a new video piece Seeing Double at Ongoing´s first floor gallery. Earlier video works and watercolours will be presented on the ground floor. Over his past two months in residence, Øyvind ha […]
2011.12.23〜12.25 14:00〜21:00 Danger Museum’s portfolio can be viewed at an art event organized by “almanac” at art & river bank. art & river bankの恒例年末イヴェント”almanac”の企画として始まった”depositors meeting”も今年で9回目むかえます。 “depositors meeting”とは、作品を介した自由な接点の構築を目的としたファイル閲覧のイヴェントです。ファイルの内容は、ファインアートだけでなく、デザイン、建築、詩、批評、ファッション、展示プラン、プロジェクトなど、ジ […]
ハイイイエハイ( yes no yes ) 03 (Sat.) – 24 (Sat.) December, 2016 13:00-19:00 Wednesday to Saturday only Opening Reception Dec. 3 (Sat.) 17:00-19:00 studio J 3-14-8 Shinmachi, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan tel /fax 06-6110-8508 The exhibition “ハイイイエハイ” is the first collaboration between Pietzch and Shimizu. The two artists met for the first time in the middle of this year (2 […]
VOID Chicken Nugget 「縁」 Miho Shimizu Contributed a text for a Japanese mail magazine VOID Chicken Nugget , talking about my activities so far and the latest piece produced for Davis Museum, “Tomorrow & Yesterday”. I first met the editors of VOID Chicken, Hibiki Tsuge and Chiaki Sakaguchi, in the late 90’s when I was about to move to London. There was a time when Danger Mus […]
A lounge night with Danger Museum’s directors. A little bit of talking, some screenings, discussion and drinks in an informal atmosphere, with artist collective Danger Museum. The artist collective Danger Museum started its activities in London in 1998, and now consists of Miho Shimizu (Japan), Oyvind Renberg (Norway) and Tien Wei Woon (Singapore). Their recent works revo […]
March 21 (Public holiday, Saturday) and March 22 (Sunday) Opening time: 14:00-20:00 Venue: tokong dalam besar utara (7-14-7 Kitamachi, Jindaiji, Chofu-shi) Organized by:Chofu-kai https://www.facebook.com/chofukai FB event:http://on.fb.me/19UUVBG We are happy to open the third exhibition by Chofu-kai. Chofu-kai is a loose gathering of artists based in the Chofu area of Tokyo. T […]
Open from 14:00-20:00 on 20th, 25th and 26th March. Memento Chofu is the group show by Chofu resident artists. The art works will be installed in a vacant house. Artists: Nobuyoshi Arai, Satoru Itazu, Yuta Uzawa, Hideyo Otsuki, Yuki Okumura, Tomoo Gokita, Yuko Kobayashi, Miho Shimizu and Akiko & Masako Takada Cooperation: MISAKO & ROSEN、Roentgenwerke AG、Taka Ishii Galle […]
Collaboration with Reiko Tada and Yuko Hikima 1st August 1999, Tokyo, Japan Miho Shimizu joined the art event called Sensory Field in Shibuya, Tokyo. The theme was “communication”, including video works, installations and performances by around 10 artists. Representing Danger Museum, Miho presented portable “ice cream box style” solo shows by Reiko Tada’s and […]